
I would first like to thank my thesis advisor Dr. Tonya-Marie Howe whose knowledge of DH projects and willingness to allow this project to unfold naturally over time was a huge contributor to its success.  In addition, my paper and the Marymount Service Archive have benefitted from her keen editorial eye and attention to detail. I would also like to thank Assistant Professor Mason Yang, second reader on this thesis, who patiently navigated the Omeka S platform with me and provided excellent advice and guidance in the creation of the Archive.  My project was a pleasure to work on and a success in no small measure due to the support of these two faculty members. Lastly, I would like to thank all the Marymount Community members who met with me to discuss and contributed to the content of the archive, collaboration is ultimately the key to success in this and any digital humanity project.

-Bernadette Mirro, creator of The Marymount Service Archive


